The Seventieth Anniversary of the Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and Other Links

Nuclear and Environmental

Thomas Powers, “Was It Right?”

Jonah Walters, “A Guide to the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Attacks.”

Colin Wilson, “The Slaughter of Hiroshima.”

The New York Times, “Anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Revives Debate Over the Atomic Bomb.”

Christian Appy, “The Indefensible Hiroshima Revisionism that Haunts America to This Day.”

Rebecca J. Rosen, “Rare Photo of the Mushroom Cloud Over Hiroshima Discovered in a Former Japanese Elementary School.”

Paul Ham, “The Bureaucrats Who Singled Out Hiroshima for Destruction.”

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February Links

It’s that time of year when I’m busy busy with all sorts of things. Combined with the miserable weather (it got down to -11° Fahrenheit in Pittsburgh last night), some links have been piling up.


Environment, Science, International, Disaster

Rebecca Solnit, “The Age of Capitalism Is Over.”

Noam Chomsky, “The World of Our Grandchildren.”

Graeme Wood, “What ISIS Really Wants.”

Raymond T. Pierrehumbert, “Climate Hacking Is Barking Mad.”

Sam Kriss, “Manifesto of the Committee to Abolish Outer Space.”

Cari Romm, “How Three People Can Make a Baby.”

Alan Taylor, “What Record-Breaking Snow Really Looks Like.”

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Return to Snow(mageddon)y River

This is a fantastic clip critiquing the over-use, over-saturation, and ridiculousness of apocalyptic rhetoric in the media from Stewart the other night.  Both him and Colbert have a long tradition of throwing barbs at the eschatological hyperbole of the media, but this one is simply amazing.  And it is esp. appropriate for both this here blog, the weather outside (how frightful it is),[1] and the fact I wrote on this exact thing a couple of days ago.  Enjoy.

Vodpod videos no longer available.
Not to be outdone, the Baltimore local news also got involved.  I don’t know which is better.  Fox et al or this attempt at emulating their apocalyptic and absurd fear mongering.
All I know is, the snow outside ain’t going anywhere, but, then again, neither is the media.  It has to make you wonder how they would react in the face of an actual apocalyptic scenario.  It wouldn’t be anything like the movies.  But then again, how much more ridiculous could they get.  They might have to get all calm and, idk, objective.

[1] Esp. according to the woman I talked to (completely randomly) on the street yesterday.  She, quote, “hate(d) this shit.”  Why I appeared to be an appropriate person to express this to, is perhaps unimportant, but it is to emphasize that everyone is thinking exactly how frightful the weather is and feel that they have to inform whomever may walk by immediately.  (As if I’m gonna say, “What the hell are you talking about.  This is delightful!”)  That said, I firmly agreed w/ her, and said so.  There is something remarkable about how weather, and more importantly talking about it, creates socialization and connection b/t two people who would never talk to one another otherwise.  This whole week I’ve been experiencing smiles, knowing looks, and a sense of community wholly lacking at other points in the year.  We all agree on one thing, and it brings us together: we hate this shit, and yet. . . , I think there is something good in this agreement.  This is also one of the reasons I like sports.  Esp. in pgh, one always has a common ground from which to begin a conversation w/ a stranger.  Usually talking about the weather is banal to the extreme, the old cliche, that thing that, strangely, causes disconnection b/t people.  But when the unusually strong snowstorm hits the ‘burgh, its like the freaking Superbowl (of conversation starters–and of course the SB coincided w/ this past weekend).  Of course this is great and all, but lord I miss the desert.  At least there the weather didn’t shut down a city, even if it was just as much a part of the conversation.  And it is always apocalyptic, though one never hears about “heat-wave-ageddon,” or “four-months-w/o-rain-Judgment-Day.”  Though that would be hilarious.